International Women's Day "Inspire Inclusion" 8th March 2024

What’s 123 years old, got more than half the population in Russia the right to vote, put women into space and has driven massive economic growth in dozens of countries?
Yep, International Women’s Day, baby!
Ok, that might sound a little hyperbolic, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
The incredible impact on our world as a direct result of women marching, protesting, celebrating and working together in the name of International Women's Day is exponential.
#IWD2024 #InspireInclusion
In 1996 the UN announced their first IWD annual theme "Celebrating the past, Planning for the Future".
And since then, every year has had a unique theme that aims to tap into the Zeitgeist and pull focus toward issues.
This year's theme is 'Inspire Inclusion'.
“When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.
And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.
Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women.”
- IWD is inclusive, not exclusive. So get involved in whichever way is most meaningful to you -
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."
— Coco Chanel
International Women's Day (March 8th) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.
It’s a day to celebrate the powerful and inspiring women in our lives, and reflect upon what a hundred years of progress has achieved for us at a personal level.
It’s also a day to feel the connection, strength and support of women all around the world working together to raise each other up.
Using our voices and taking up space to keep the momentum going is the only way we’ll achieve true equity. Our signs may hold different messages depending on where in the world we are, but the core message is the same the world over: Equality.
Protesting and campaigning for equal pay has seen the gender pay gap (very) slowly begin to creek into motion in some places, but there are still women and girls around the world fighting for the right to be educated instead of married off.
"Extremists have shown what frightens them most. A girl with a book."
— Malala Yousafzai
- A woman dies due to complications during childbirth every 90 seconds. These women are generally underage and under-educated.
- One woman or girl is killed by someone in her own family every 11 minutes.
- 130 million girls remain out of school worldwide.
- Over 1.2 billion women and girls live in places where safe access to abortion is restricted.
- Girls are at a higher risk of dying due to early marriage and childbirth than due to wars, famines, and other natural disasters.
Discrimination doesn’t discriminate. In every country, and at every level of society women and girls are living in insecure and dangerous situations.
This International Women’s Day, we have chosen to support Womankind Worldwide.
Womankind Worldwide is a global women’s rights organisation working in solidarity and equal partnership with women’s rights organisations and movements to transform the lives of women.
Their key areas of work include ending violence against women and girls, advancing women’s economic rights, and strengthening women’s participation and leadership.
We’ll be donating $1 for every order on IWD to Womankind Worldwide. If you also want to make a direct donation to them, or learn more about what they do, check out their website here.