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Special Guest Q&A: HIVE HQ's Jessy Marshall on International Women's Day

Special Guest Q&A: HIVE HQ's Jessy Marshall on International Women's Day

Q. In light of this year's theme, "Inspire Inclusion," how has your journey as a woman in business inspired a sense of community or support among your peers?

A. Throughout my career I have been fortunate to work alongside amazing women from starting out as a beauty therapist and working under some incredible female managers to now being a founder myself. I am regularly inspired by my team of incredible young females, as well as our client-base who, by majority, are led by inspiring women. There is a theme in our market for women encouraging women - it's magnetic. I seek to embrace and champion that among our team by hosting events, introducing thought leaders, and creating a fun empowering place to work. From a peer perspective, I know that others are experiencing the same tribulations that I do at Hive HQ, and I have a go-to black book of confidants (or community) that I am able to lean on.

Q. Considering the theme, what specific advice do you have for women entrepreneurs seeking to build supportive networks and connections within their industries?

A. Connect with like minded individuals - I am a big connector myself. It comes with the nature of my role but making sure you build a community of like minded individuals is SO important. As a founder and a business owner of a small team creating these connections helps us to feel as if we have a large support network. So, reach out to people! Whether that might be DMing someone, going for coffee, or sending an email. My advice - don't be shy! If you don't ask, the answer will always be no. Something we do at Hive is host industry events for other publicists and I find this a really nice way to build supportive networks and connections.

Q. On International Women's Day 2024, how do you envision women supporting and uplifting each other in the business world?

A. Over the years I have found the most incredible feeling of support when people have held space for me. From that, I think it is important that I, and other women in business, hold space for one another (particularly newcomers). We must be there to listen, support, encourage, advise and sometimes defend other business women. It is up to those that have gone first to create a safe runway for those aspiring to go next.

Q. Reflecting on your experiences, how has being a woman in business allowed you to contribute unique perspectives or innovations within your industry?

A. My career has been in predominantly female based industries. Females have not only been my leaders but have also helped to shape my career. From being a dancer & cheerleader, coaching young females of ages 4-20, through my days in beauty therapy, to now, leading a team of 'bees' who are in their 20's - all of my roles have shown me unique ways to nurture and provide perspective to young women. Whether being a woman in business has allowed me to contribute uniquely, I don't see it that way because it is all I know. Having said that, as a director of a PR agency, I get to work with many incredible female led brands - all of them showcasing just how innovative women in business are, as well as how uniquely we all see the world. This helps my team of bees to see different perspectives in businesses and industries, for which I am grateful. The majority of the businesses we work with are pioneering. Not only their products and categories but also in their diversity and the way their teams function. Witnessing other leaders grow their team whilst growing their family has helped shape how I too will become a mum and an owner of a business and continue to lead in the PR industry.

Q. In the context of "Inspire Inclusion," can you share a personal story or achievement that highlights the power of collaboration and unity among women entrepreneurs?

A. I never really paid attention to how powerful creating connection and collaboration can be - as a publicist it is second nature. As a leader, however, I see the importance of it every day with Hive's team of Bees. Sure, our job is to share others' stories and achievements, but a side benefit is that it allows us to include others - to help them create meaningful relationships with like minded individuals - and that is super rewarding and powerful. We are fortunate to work with and read about inspiring women entrepreneurs on the daily, which is seriously unique. A specific occasion that comes to mind is the growing number of attendees we get at our industry events - Hosted by Hive. We saw a chance to create inclusion, not competition, among publicists and it has been one of our most rewarding adventures so far. Our guest lists are full, we are able to network and learn from others, and we have even recently begun Hosted the Podcast.

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